Grandpa had a list of “isms” he’d ponder upon
My grandpa was a wise man. I was always amazed and very proud at all he accomplished as a very successful businessman, but he didn’t have any special advantages growing up. His family was very poor. I remember my mother telling me the story about how he was the only kid in his high school graduating class who did not own a suit and didn’t have money for one. I wonder if that made him even more determined to be a success.
My dad recently stumbled upon one of Grandpa’s old business cards. On the back was a list of “isms.” I always wondered from where Grandpa snagged them, but it illustrates he was a thinker. Grandpa was ‘all business’ and not one to show emotional compassion. “Isms” represent a philosophical, political doctrine or a belief system. I’d have to say *his* belief was CAPITALISM. I’ve listed all the “isms.”
SOCIALISM–If you have two cows, you give your neighbor one.
COMMUNISM–If you have two cows, you give them to the government and the government gives you some milk.
FASCISM-If you have two cows, you keep the cows and give the milk to the government and the government then sells you some of the milk.
NEW DEALISM-If you have two cows, you shoot one and milk the other and pour the milk down the drain.
NAZISM-If you have two cows, the government shoots you and keeps the cows.
CAPITALISM-If you have two cows, you sell one and buy a bull.
My dad wrote them down on a piece of notebook paper. (I love that he puts pencil to paper!)
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