06/12/08Game 2, McGowan & the MiraclesOkay, it’s best to get the losses out of the way early in the season. So far, so good. Note our newest mascot, Riley. And of course, John Hall’s homer!Read More
05/31/08Stormy tonight. Sounds like some nasty …Stormy tonight. Sounds like some nasty stuff headed this way.Read More
05/24/08First softball game of the seasonRule 61’s vs Affirmative Defense. We start the season 0-1. First game jitters are over. Note our mascots, Dart and Cowboy.Read More
05/24/08This is a test. I am…This is a test. I am using Jott for the first time on my blog. I am talking this message. I hope it works. listen Powered by JottRead More
05/21/08Lilac on a picture perfect dayMy neighbor/client has a lilac bush in full bloom! She is sharing! These are my favorite. They remind me of Grandma Violet.Read More
05/19/08Amazing Race for LiteracyAn experienced team of 3, consisting of the mother/daughter duo Lee and Jess Hamner, and myself. We called ourselves the Biblio-Racers. We should have won for “Best use of Latin in a Team Name”, but instead we came in second place. Tons of fun!Read More
04/27/08Tulips, finally.I’m a little discouraged about the prospect of SNOW next week. I hope it was just a bad dream. Meanwhile, look at my tulips! Read More
04/20/08Printmaking 101I’m taking my first art class at the Toledo Museum of Art. Just for fun. Read More
04/20/08Capitol 10,000 in Austin, March 30, 2008Back in the 80’s, several members of my immediate and extended family participated in the Austin-American Statesman Capitol 10,000. I think I was 10. It was one of my first 10Ks back when my dad was running marathons like I eat M&M’s nowadays. Fast forward to 2008. I recruited 3 of my cousins to do this 10K race in Austin. WeRead More
02/17/08Meet Ms. WigglesShe wore her sunglasses at night. We bonded during her short lifespan in my backyard. Her carrot nose and tomato lips made Botox junkies jealous. As the rain poured on and the mercury rose, she arched her back and became quite erotic…. Stay tuned for the sad funeral. (Grandma would say, FRU’ nee ul)Read More
01/18/08Wine Country is GOD’s country!We drove to Napa Valley today. Now, I like a glass of wine (with a nice finish), but for the afternoon I was more interested in getting some shots of the landscape. It’s too early for grapes, but still intriguing, nonetheless. The little yellow flowers remind me of Texas Bluebonnets (Except, you know—-yellow.)Read More
01/18/08Redwood Forest—Muir WoodsThese are the biggest trees I’ve ever seen, but I *still* thought they were bigger. The REALLY big ones are further inland at Redwood National Park. The tallest here is over 252 feet and the widest—more than 14 feet. Also—on the bottom photo, you can see Ed just to the left of the tree trunk in the background—-to give you anRead More
01/17/08Golden Gate Bridge and the BEACH!Okay….there was a naked man laying on the beach. Lucky for all of us I didn’t take a photo, but some people just shouldn’t lay on the beach naked in front of other human beings. It was 50 degrees. Anyways, enjoy these!Read More
01/16/08Dinner with Matt and ThomasOooh la la! We went to this GREAT neighborhood Italian place, L’ottavo Ristorante on Sutter Street. Very small, quaint, and intimate. Away from the conference and locally owned. I recommend the lobster ravioli and chocolate torte! Great wine… Even BETTER conversation… And the BEST company! Thank you! OXOXOXOX!Read More
01/14/08The LIMO shows up for our trip!Yes, yes—the neighbors were probably talking. We’re high society here on Harley Road. Here’s the real scoop. I won a gift certificate for a limo service, so we decided to use it for the trip to San Francisco this week. Read More
01/06/08I signed up for an improv workshopEd and I participated in an improv workshop in Toledo yesterday. I was a little nervous, but so was everyone else. It was a small group of 7 people. It turned out to be TONS of fun. At one point I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face.Read More
01/03/08Christmas Photos by requestHere are some photos from Christmas Day at Bob & Gretchen’s, using a program on my Mac called Photo Booth. Can you tell who this is?Read More