
My Rant to Congress about the Homebuyer Tax Credit

Dear Congress, I’m asking you to please consider extending the homebuyer tax credit for pending deals through September 30, 2010. I cannot seem to get over the tax credit not being extended on all these pending deals! Getting some of these deals done is like struggling to climb a mountain. Or swim the ocean. Or capture the moon. For my
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Abby and Adam’s move-in day!

THIS IS WHAT I LOVE ABOUT MY JOB. Days like this are always special for a couple reasons. The first, two more great clients have a new place to call home! (In my neighborhood no less!) Second, real estate is seeing some crazy times right now. We’ve entered unchartered waters with regards to prices, appraisals, inspections and underwriting guidelines. The
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NOW you can apply for the homebuyer tax credit from your 2009 purchase!

It’s now 2010! So you can now file your tax return for 2009 and apply for the tax credit you’ve been wondering about! What an incentive to file early. First-time homebuyers can get back 10 percent of the purchase price UP TO $8,000, and up to $6,500 for repeat buyers who’ve lived in their home for 5+ years. (Those repeat
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Here’s the skinny…. Tax Credit Extended for First Time & Repeat Home Buyers

Home sellers and potential buyers nationwide welcomed the recent news that Congress had decided to extend and greatly expand the Home Buyer’s tax credit in an attempt to further stimulate the economy. Not only does the new legislation extend the existing first time buyer’s credit until mid-next year, but it also creates a tax credit for qualified repeat buyers. The
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This photo makes me want to get a dog

When I get email with about 500 FWs in the subject line, I normally delete. This one managed to slip through the cracks. It makes me warm and fuzzy. Just thought I’d share.
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My Twitter buddies, in mosaic fashion.

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Twitter helped me close a tough real estate deal

I’ve used Twitter since early 2008, back when it was mostly geeks and before it began going mainstream. People on the outside looking in don’t quite understand it, and my trusted advisor and tech guru Ed Hunter has decided, it’s almost impossible to explain to the average person. While the Twitterverse can be overwhelming to say the least, it’s best
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Lone flower spotted in backyard-a sign of hope

HOPE, that is-that the furnace can soon be turned off, grass will become green and coats will no longer be necessary. Real estate activity also increases during this time and for many reasons. BTW, I hope this photo isn’t too shameless about promoting the Indiana Hoosiers. It truly was an accident. Truly.
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Using a Realtor versus going it alone on WTOL

When I met the reporter for this, she’d tried finding an unrepresented seller (FSBO) to speak with her for the story.  Each one she’d called had already listed with a Realtor.  Thing is, the majority of unrepresented sellers do.  Once realization hits on how involved the work is, it’s then they understand the value a Realtor can bring to the
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Friday’s Omelet! (Kids, I think it’s my best work yet)

[polldaddy poll=1386817]And the bowl of fresh fruit should give me a little extra credit for my critics.
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“I’m a PC” guy, John Hodgman spotted at Border’s

  ANN ARBOR, MICH-Ann Arbor was one of many stops for Hodgman’s book tour for his newest release, “More Information than you Require.”  I managed to snap this paparazzi-esque photo with my iPhone. He’s a minor TV celebrity, you know.  Apple CEO Steve Jobs made him famous overnight with the “I’m a Mac” TV spots which first aired last summer.
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Grave yard down the street…

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If you have some disposable income, you might consider this.

And perhaps earn some Kroger fuelperks—if that helps justify the purchase.
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Sarah Palin Corn Maze

  Just 15 minutes from Toledo, Ohio farmer Duke Wheeler invites you to get lost inside the head of Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. A 16-acre corn maze in Whitehouse has been carved in her image, complete with Palin’s familiar eyeglasses and updo hairstyle. Wheeler says it took an artist from Idaho, a GPS and more than eight hours to mow down
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Tina Fey does Sarah Palin on SNL

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Meet Buddy

He’s my friend.  And lives for the camera.  His social calendar is packed and I see him all over town.
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Peanut Butter Pie: First Attempt.

I have Aunt Kay’s recipe and she would never lead me astray.  I followed all the directions up to the part where it says, refrigerate.  That’s when I decided it was time for a taste test.  Not bad.  It seems to have satisfied the craving.  Lookit me!  Cookin’ and stuff.  I had a slice of pie, but my slice was
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Jody meets Joe Cipriano

Joe Cipriano is probably the top network promo (Fox, NBC, CBS) guy in LA. He’s been the official voice of all promotion for the Simpson’s since the beginning.  Really nice guy.  
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Robert Shiels Surprise!

   Featuring birthday cake made by Chrys Peterson.  I love a well-executed surprise!!!
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Brian Vander Ark

Brian Vander Ark (of the Verve Pipe) gave a private concert on the lawn of a lovely Old Orchard home today. I was lucky enough to be a part of it!  You may recall the song, “The Freshmen.”  That’s him!  A real class act!  
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a weakness….

Whenever I go into a garden shop, say to buy ONE thing—like mulch for example…  I wind up with a car full of posies.  I can’t help it that the flowers JUMP INTO my cart and my credit card swipes itself RIGHT OUT OF MY WALLET.
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Federal Benchwarmers get CRUSHED, 22-2

                Plus, a special appearance by Lee Johnson and all you can eat Taco Tuesday’s at Doc Watsons.     Oh yeah, and I hit my first home run of the season!  Yeah!!  
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Rule 61’s beat Barely Legal, 9-5

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Jody bought Tang.

It’s delicious.  And good enough for the astronauts.  
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Game 2, McGowan & the Miracles

Okay, it’s best to get the losses out of the way early in the season.  So far, so good.  Note our newest mascot, Riley.  And of course, John Hall’s homer!
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Stormy tonight. Sounds like some nasty …

Stormy tonight. Sounds like some nasty stuff headed this way.
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First softball game of the season

Rule 61’s vs Affirmative Defense. We start the season 0-1. First game jitters are over.  Note our mascots, Dart and Cowboy.
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This is a test. I am…

This is a test. I am using Jott for the first time on my blog. I am talking this message. I hope it works. listen Powered by Jott
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Lilac on a picture perfect day

My neighbor/client has a lilac bush in full bloom!  She is sharing!  These are my favorite.  They remind me of Grandma Violet.
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Amazing Race for Literacy

An experienced team of 3, consisting of the mother/daughter duo Lee and Jess Hamner, and myself.  We called ourselves the Biblio-Racers.  We should have won for “Best use of Latin in a Team Name”, but instead we came in second place.  Tons of fun!
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Tulips, finally.

I’m a little discouraged about the prospect of SNOW next week.  I hope it was just a bad dream.  Meanwhile, look at my tulips!  
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Printmaking 101

I’m taking my first art class at the Toledo Museum of Art.  Just for fun.  
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Capitol 10,000 in Austin, March 30, 2008

Back in the 80’s, several members of my immediate and extended family  participated in the Austin-American Statesman Capitol 10,000.  I think I was 10.  It was one of my first 10Ks back when my dad was running marathons like I eat M&M’s nowadays. Fast forward to 2008. I recruited  3 of my cousins to do this 10K race in Austin.  We
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Ted makes friends with Buddy.

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The sad demise

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Meet Ms. Wiggles

She wore her sunglasses at night.   We bonded during her short lifespan in my backyard.   Her carrot nose and tomato lips made Botox junkies jealous. As the rain poured on and the mercury rose, she arched her back and became quite erotic…. Stay tuned for the sad funeral.  (Grandma would say, FRU’ nee ul)
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Wine Country is GOD’s country!

We drove to Napa Valley today.  Now, I  like a glass of wine (with a  nice finish), but for the afternoon I was more interested in getting some shots of the landscape.  It’s too early for grapes, but still intriguing, nonetheless.  The little yellow flowers remind me of Texas Bluebonnets (Except, you know—-yellow.)
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Redwood Forest—Muir Woods

These are the biggest trees I’ve ever seen, but I *still* thought they were bigger.  The REALLY big ones are further inland at Redwood National Park.  The tallest here is over 252 feet and the widest—more than 14 feet. Also—on the bottom photo, you can see Ed just to the left of the tree trunk in the background—-to give you an
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Golden Gate Bridge and the BEACH!

Okay….there was a naked man laying on the beach.  Lucky for all of us I didn’t take a photo, but some people just shouldn’t lay on the beach naked in front of other human beings.  It was 50 degrees.  Anyways, enjoy these!
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Dinner with Matt and Thomas

Oooh la la! We went to this GREAT neighborhood Italian place, L’ottavo Ristorante on Sutter Street.  Very small, quaint, and intimate. Away from the conference and locally owned.  I recommend the lobster ravioli and chocolate torte!  Great wine… Even BETTER conversation… And the BEST company!   Thank you!  OXOXOXOX!
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